
5 posts

No. 10 - One cool thing

No. 10 - One cool thing

Explore the world of 8/16-bit game title screens and soak up every animated pixel curated by Title Scream. It's the only thing on the menu this week.

No. 8 - The creative process

No. 8 - The creative process

Explore different versions of creation and what it means to go through the creative process with these designers. Also, check out how Figma is reshaping the design process with a new, everyday hardware tool.

No. 6 - Brand identities, mural hacking, Reddit, and alignment

No. 6 - Brand identities, mural hacking, Reddit, and alignment

Explore a few high-profile rebrands and ad campaigns as well as important advice from a designer passionate about intentional living.

No. 3 - Arm yourself with these kewl tools

No. 3 - Arm yourself with these kewl tools

Don't miss these high-quality mockups, fonts, apps, and tips to add to your creative toolbox.

No. 2 - Tantalizing typography and a creative junk drawer

No. 2 - Tantalizing typography and a creative junk drawer

Issue No. 2 is filled with tons of typographic treatments that will tickle your fancy.

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